Saturday, April 3, 2010

Have a Chicken-y Happy Easter!

Have you ever wondered how a chicken sleeps? In case you have not, now you do have a chance to enrich your incondite mind with such basic skills as to how to put a chicken to sleep. Many of you might now consider me loony for bringing up such an abaxial topic of discussion in my blog of, well, standard sobriety. But I must tell you that this topic has not been aleatorically selected; that ever since I saw the Martha Stewart video in the Free Range section of The New Yorker (which actually happened this very morning), I couldn’t help but spend the following several hours thinking about the outrageous, and somewhat creepy way that Stewart actually made a healthy sized Araucana in a chicken-filled room fort wink! I wish I had such tricks up my sleeve too, but I guess I am no Martha Stewart, for this lady is downright astonishing when crafting tricks are concerned.

Check out this wonderful video and have a chicken-y Happy Easter!